Kids Cooking Lessons
Junior Chef Cooking Lessons - 10 Weeks - Casual classes available if room permits
Homefresh Junior Chef Cooking Lessons will inspire your kids (8-14) to cook and eat healthy food.
Kids 4-8 are encouraged to book our school holiday classes to experience cooking at Homefresh.
Homefresh Junior Chefs cooking program has been carefully constructed to build children’s confidence in the kitchen, develop their cooking, knife and general kitchen skills, and help them learn one of life's most important lessons; cooking healthy food from scratch for themselves and others. Your kids will:
- Learn to shop and cook with our Homefresh chef
- Develop a broad understanding of nutrition and cooking healthy food
- Grow in confidence and their ability to interact with others (much more than a cooking class)
- Learn how to select fresh healthy and nutritious produce
- Leave home with fantastic junior chef’s skills if you help us help them
Imagine the meals your child will be able to cook for you!
8 - 14 year old Junior Chef Term Lessons - 10 weeks
The Homefresh Junior Chef 8-14 years term shopping and cooking lessons take your children through shopping, preparing and cooking healthy nutritious meals and desserts from scratch and will set your kids up for a healthy life.
- Classes run during school terms Sat 9:30am-11:30am
- Term bookings are $470 ($47 per class) or casual classes can be booked if space is available for $57 per class
- Junior Chef lessons are for chefs aged 8 - 14, inclusive of ingredients, shopping and the meal
- Catch up classes for missed Junior chef lessons can be used in school holidays
We guide our Junior Chefs as they cook from the recipe and method at their own work station for each lesson. Their recipes then go into their own Homefresh good food Journal, so they can cook them again at home. This will equip them with chef quality meals for a lifetime of healthy eating.
The 10 week term is a great introduction for the 4 Hats Program and will count for the first 10 lessons of the Beginners Hat for those wanting to continue with our more comprehensive cooking program.
Homefresh 4 Hats Cooking Program
Junior Chefs participating in the term program who love cooking and want to advance can become part of our 4 Hats Program. This comprehensive cooking program is specially designed to take your budding master chef through progressively more complicated and exciting dishes.
Beginners - Red - 1st Hat (20 lessons)
- Cooking easy and quick recipes that require minimal skills
- Shopping to select fresh, healthy and nutritious foods
- Chopping and knife handling skills
- Kitchen equipment care
- Food safety and hygiene
- Relax and enjoy your food creation
Learners - Blue - 2nd Hat (20 lessons)
- Cooking additional recipes that require a little less supervision
- Stocking your pantry and focusing on the importance of being prepared
- Stocking your fridge with seasonal produce to gain the maximum nutritional value
- Stocking your freezer to ensure you are always prepared, to cook from scratch
- Chopping and knife handling skills
- Relax and enjoy your food creation
Intermediate - Black - 3rd Hat (20 lessons)
- Cooking additional recipes that require your taste buds influence
- Identify various herbs and spices and how they make up different cuisines
- Identify various fruit and vegetables and explore making food and drinks
- Shopping for seasonal vegetables to save money and time
- Chopping and knife handling skills
- Explore the great cuisines of the world
- Relax and enjoy your food creation
Advanced - White - 4th Hat (20 lessons)
- Cook advanced recipes that focus on pan, oven temperature and setting selections
- Learning various baking techniques
- Learn the art of various frying styles
- Leaning to cook exquisite variations of core signature dishes
- Chopping and knife handling skills
- Refine great cuisine requirements and creations
- Relax and enjoy your food creation
On completion of each stage of the 4 Hat Junior Chef Program (20 lessons), Junior Chefs will select their chosen meal to cook, at level 4 (white Hat) they will cook an entree, main and dessert.
Chef will assess and rate each dish based on complexity, presentation and taste
At successful completion of each stage your Junior chef will be presented with their coloured chef’s hat
Junior chefs that complete the entire 4 Hat Program will be awarded a White Homefresh Master chef hat and Jacket, Furi chef’s knife and will earn the title of ...... Homefresh Junior Chef!
What next?
Junior chefs showing a natural talent for cooking and natural flair in front of the camera, will be invited to participate in Homefresh productions and special events. Homefresh is a great starting place for our next generations of inspired, passionate food lovers and maybe even renowned Australian Chef’s.